Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Oh no, more Web 2.0 Tools

Ok, we need more tools....never enough. Today I actually showed something I wikis. How I love using my classroom wikis so this was an exciting morning for me to share my knowledge of wikispaces, as well as Portaportal.

Now I am using google docs again. What a great tool to use....I want to use this in my classroom more this year. I saw a new docs has a paint program that looks and feels like Inspiration, as well as for the students.

Wow...another photoeditting! I use Picasa, but I will try this program. It uses a Yahoo account so I think I would rather stick with Picasa and keep my life there such a thing after Web 2.0?

Ok, have decided that Picasa is for me...will not use Flickr since Picasa web Albums link easily to my gmail account and to blogger....whew, one less tool to worry about!

I found a great wiki on web 20 tools.... the creator uses Glogster and makes it look so cool.

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