Sunday, March 20, 2011

Learning to Blog

More learning...always learning!!! I am taking an online class from LaVerne University on Web 2.0 tools. today and am working on one of the assingments. I have a book to read about Blogs, Wikis, and Podcasts. I love these tools so reading about them is easy, although time consuming. It has made such an impact on the way I teach and my students are more engaged. There are so many different tools that add to a more engaging lesson in using technology. Today Iam reading about weblogs...great ideas for me to use in my classroom. Seniors...stay tuned for a lesson on are going to blog about your last days at McCaskey!

I just read some really good ideas about blogging and using Blogger in the classroom. See my wiki page on Web 2.0 tools for my notes on blogging. A great tip is to remove the "Next Blog" on your page so students don't get into random blogs. Click the Template tab, click the edit HTML sub tab, scroll down to the word"body" abd paste some HTML code. Wow...what a great piece of advice!!

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